Unsolicited Testimonials on Coaching
Thank you for all the ways you have used your beautiful voice to extend healing and encouragement to so many! You are making a huge impact on so many lives!! Keep shining!!
Charlene, you are a most excellent friend! Beautiful and courageous and wise, and you speak truth and love and you are truly an inspiration and I’m so thankful for you! You are an example of a woman of God and I know God gave me your voice and you have helped me tremendously! Thank you! Much love
You are an amazingly strong woman. You give us all courage to know that we can make it. Also, you let us know that there is hope in Christ and hope to find true love in a relationship. Blessings
Dear Charlene, thank you so much for guiding me to this group. I know God has used you for that and will use you for so much more! I gain so much from sharing in our group and I hope I also can offer help and support to the other members. God Bless!
Your strength and bravery shine through when you talk. I appreciate you stating truth so clearly.
You continue to inspire me! Thank you for all you do.
For too long women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power of men. Thank you for helping me to voice my truth.
You have a wonderful heart to serve others and to deliver God’s blessings. May the light of Christ grow ever stronger within you . . . to bring hope to the hopeless and healing to the broken hearted, in Jesus’ name. You are a treasure!
Thank you so much for your kindness and I thank God for you too! God bless you, Charlene!
Thank you very much. . . . The support you’ve given me is immeasurable. Thank you so much for everything! I pray God rains his blessing down upon you. I am truly grateful for you.
You are such an inspiration and an example to many. Thank you for the many ways you have helped me.
Your choice to live in freedom and bring others out of oppression is by far the clearest expression of the Heart of the Father I have seen in a long time. So blessed to be with you.
Dear Charlene, I thank God for you! You are my beautiful teacher and display God’s love, strength, joy, and beauty each moment. You are walking love and a warrior for all of us and Him. You are making such a difference in my life and in many people. . . I pray that God will always bless you and protect you.
Charlene, I love your fighting spirit and your desire to show others the path to freedom. Stay strong.
You have endured so much yet you’ve proven that nothing can bring you down. I absolutely look up to you, you are such a voice for others. Never lose the positivity.
Your spirit and strength is such an inspiration. Thank you for being a guide. I’ll always appreciate you.
Freedom, truth, and strength – all encompassed with God’s grace. Thank you for sharing and shining on me.
You have been a huge inspiration. A beautiful example of grace and a godly life. I learn so much from you and I’m so thankful for you! We are free – free at last!
“Free woman” is so very apt for you. Thank you for your brace and enduring help for me and all of us. You are truly living your calling with grace and inspiration.
You’re such an inspiration to me! Your grace and spiritual life help me learn through the words of the Bible. Thank you for that gift. I am so happy to be able to celebrate my freedom with you.
Your heart, your mind, your spirit always draws me nearer to the Father! What a blessing you are to me.
Whenever you share the victory in y our story, I get so encouraged and validated from a Christian perspective. Thank you for sharing your story and your wisdom.
Unsolicited Testimonials on Presentations
Renowned speaker and domestic violence survivor Charlene Quint spoke about her very real and courageous journey as an abused spouse to a heroic role model for others. She serves as a beacon of hope for so many. Grateful that she is willing to share her story and not only provide hope for survivors, but help them find the services so that they may be able to say that they too survived and moved on safely and successfully. I was an honor to be in her presence. Thank you, Charlene Quint.
Charlene, on behalf of the Lake County Rising Committee and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office, thank you for sharing your story with the Lake County community. Your words were a blessing for those who heard you, and more than one woman was put on a path to healing because of your willingness to share your experience. I know that you will continue to positively impact many lives.
Thank you for your support of the Highland Park-Highwood Legal Aid Clinic and women in need of guidance. You are an inspiration.
Wow! Way to go Charlene! With three daughters, this is an issue that gives me grief/worries . . . no matter what talks we have! My girls are strong but still I have seen this so many times. . . keep on!
Such important education about these communities . . . your bravery and story are inspiring and will change lives.
Charlene, they picked a wonderful speaker. Keep bringing the message of truth!
Thanks, Charlie, for using the gifts God gave you. You really are making a difference!
I . . . experienced a whole range of emotions. Anger, shock, and sadness that someone I grew up with was subjected to such abuse . . . thankfulness that God gave you the courage to escape, protected you, and called upon you to go public with your story . . . great admiration and respect for the brave, articulate woman you have become, and for the way you are using your education, talents and experiences to help others. You are doing God’s work . . . may He continue to bless you!
Your courage, honesty and forthrightness are an inspiration. You would most likely say “It is all God, He gets the glory.” However, you said “yes” to the assignment He has given you! . . . Through your sharing, others have gained hope and courage.
So proud of everything that you do, Charlene, and the amazing person that you are.
You give so much to so many! Special, special lady.
Amazing woman with an amazing message!
Raising awareness is key to our whole society evolving. Keep on keepin’ on! I support your efforts whole heartedly. I now understand that abuse sneaks up on the victim slowly and gradually. And the abuser oftentimes is very charismatic and manipulative and able to lie so well that he may present himself as innocent. However, you are right – if you present yourself as the victim, you should be believed and protected within the church.
This is all truth! I appreciate you sharing all of this.
Way to go, Charlene. Turn what you endured into helping our society as a whole. May God Bless you!!
Thank you for your courage. If every time you share your story, it delivers at least one person from living in that hell…
Your courage gives others strength and hope.
God is certainly using you and using your suffering to bless others.
Wow! Phenomenal!
Thanks for your witness and advocacy. Grace and peace to you.
Thank you for all you’re doing!
Awesome presentation. . . so proud of you for standing tall and bringing much needed attention to this. You are God’s warrior.
I count it a privilege to know you as a friend and warrior for this epidemic.
Amazing person with an amazing message!
You are amazing, thank you for what you do. You rock.
Thank you, Charlene Quint, for all that you are doing to bring light to a dark subject and to share hope with so many hurting souls.
You did a fantastic job! Thanks for making a positive impact and changing lives!!!
I’m proud of you for sharing your message and sharing hope. Blessings.
It was awesome. . . this girl has spirit.
Next Steps…
If you would like more information on AbuseCare, scheduling a presentation or workshop, one-on-one coaching, one-on-one divorce coaching, or our Bible studies and support groups, contact us now at 847-624-1511 or drop us an email at [email protected].