Domestic Abuse is Perhaps the Most Misunderstood and Least Recognized Problem of Our Time
Domestic abuse is perhaps the most misunderstood and least recognized problem of our time and of the modern church. Abuse is a comprehensive set of behaviors and attitudes designed to gain and maintain power and control over others. An astounding 35% of women will be a victim of domestic abuse at some time during their lives.
Domestic abuse comes in many forms – emotional, verbal, financial, physical, sexual, and spiritual abuse. But abusers are all very similar. They are Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths who share the same incurable, untreatable, toxic traits of lack of empathy, lack of conscience and lack of remorse. They make ups 10-15% of the population and 85% are men. They come from all walks of life, and from all socio-economic backgrounds. They are doctors and lawyers, mechanics and plumbers, businessmen and millionaires, blue collar workers and paupers, pastors and CEOs, fathers and husbands. They share the double Jekyll / Hyde personality traits of being publicly charming and friendly, while privately cruel and abusive. They are predators who prey on women who are kind, naive, loving, trusting, forgiving, and invest themselves in relationships. They hide in churches and synagogues, camouflaging themselves with a cloak of respectability, while being masters of deceit.
Those who have been caught in the web of the Narcissist, Sociopath, or Psychopath find it nearly impossible to escape.

There is Hope and Healing After Domestic Abuse
Many women spend years, even decades, trying to make their marriage to an NSP (Narcissist, Sociopath, and/or Psychopath) work. They know something is wrong, but can’t quite put their finger on it. Many women don’t even recognize what they are going through as abuse, and the personality disorder of their partner is often undiagnosed. Women in abusive relationships read marriage book after marriage book, and see their pastor, priest or other clergy looking for answers. But typical marriage books, clergy, friends, and even most counselors are ill-equipped to deal with Narcissists, Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and other domestic abusers.
If you have found yourself in a relationship with a Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, or other domestic abuser, you have probably been looking desperately for answers. At AbuseCare, you will find answers, hope, and healing.
There is hope and healing after domestic abuse. You can overcome domestic abuse and live the life that God intended for you!

Let AbuseCare Help You
At AbuseCare, we understand the evil of domestic abuse, the characteristics and tactics of abusers, and how to heal and overcome. We understand that overcoming domestic abuse is a spiritual battle, in addition to a physical, emotional, financial, and legal battle.
Charlene Quint, J.D. is a Certified Domestic Violence Professional who coaches victims of domestic violence. She is also an attorney who represents women escaping domestic abuse. Her practice includes orders of protection and divorce. Prior to her legal career, she was a CPA and CFO. Most importantly, she is a woman of faith, with an understanding of God’s transforming power to turn victims into victors. Drawing on her extensive legal and financial background, and using faith-based principles, she helps women understand these complex toxic relationships, and helps them heal and overcome to lead lives of victory.
Faith-Based Healing To Help You Become The Amazing Woman God Designed You To Be!
AbuseCare will help you…
- Recognize the different forms of abuse,
- Identify the tactics used by abusers,
- Recognize the traits and characteristics of abusers,
- Understand that abuse is carried out by those with permanent, untreatable, incurable Cluster B personality disorders of Narcissism, Sociopathy, and/or Psychopathy which share the primary characteristics of lack of empathy, lack of conscience, and lack of remorse,
- Anticipate what to expect when leaving an abusive relationship,
- Develop concrete physical safety, legal, financial, spiritual, social, and emotional support plans to mitigate the inevitable harm caused by domestic abuse,
- Recognize and recover from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other harm caused by domestic abuse,
- Become spiritually equipped by understanding Biblical principles in spiritual warfare to effectively deal with abusers and the harm they inflict,
- Grow in a closer relationship with God and know how much he loves you,
- Recognize the wonderful traits that made you a target of an abuser and learn to establish healthy boundaries so that future relationships will be healthy and God-centered
- Heal from the wounds and overcome domestic abuse so that you can be the amazing woman God designed you to be!
Next Steps…
If you would like more information on AbuseCare, scheduling a presentation or workshop, one-on-one coaching, one-on-one divorce coaching, or our Bible studies and support groups, contact us now at 847-624-1511 or drop us an email at [email protected].